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the rise of kibwetere

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the rise of kibwetere (2019)

Release : 2019-03-25

Genre : Thriller
Runtime : 45 Minutes

Company : devoss media, mn films africa

Cast : mourice blad, akandinda jenifer, ssemwanga joel, ssozi faith, namuyaba ever, love ya mulenzi, lule john

Tagline: kiling

Overview : the rise of kibwetere is a movie about a journalist who went to a village called kanungu in western uganda. and found an old man who started lake demon, that she always worship on the shores of lake Victoria,, after some time the natives plotted against her, they wanted to kill her, so narrating to him a story of a man called kibwetere, who killed over 700 people, kibwetere first lived in mbarara, before his coming, the was a lady called nabakyala bamwerinde, who was a witch, this lady killed many people in the village of kanungu, buy slaughtering them, she believed in a she decided to call a dangerous man called kibwetere, this man was a priest in mbarara, he came to kanungu and stated a church where he managed to raise a congregation of over 700 people, he took some time with them, in 2000 he told them he was taking them to heaven, after promising them that Jesus was coming for them. he gathered them in the church, and bought petral and burnt them all of them, and no one survived.

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